Type 2 Diabetes is about 300 plus US dollars business for pharma and doctors. This amount is rising day by day due to increase of Type 2 Diabetic patients all over the world. Type 2 Diabetes is the No.1 health Hazards in the world. It creates different serious health hazards like neuropathy, nephropathy, foot and eye damage, Coma, Cancer, hearts disease, stroke,angina,atherosclerosis and so on. Type 2 Diabetes is the root cause of serious health hazards. A research was conducted at the University of Gothenburg on 435,369 diabetic patient who were registered to the Swedish National Diabetes Center from 1998 to201, reported that most Type 2 diabetic patients were died from cardivascular disease and while only 1.8% were died from other type 2 diabetic complications like renal,eye and kidney problems.
Root cause of Type 2 Diabetes
When pancreas fail to produce enough insulin or body shows insulin resistance then Type 2 diabetes occurs.Genetics and environmental factors along with excess weight and inactivity contributes in type 2 Diabetes.Recently scientist and researchers of University of California,San Diego proved that Type 2 Diabetes caused by Inflammation.They proved that Inflammatory molecule(LTB4)causes insulin resistance and finally insulin resistance lead to high blood sugar and Type 2 Diabetes.Insulin Resistance
The hormone named insulin is produced by the islets of Langerhans of beta cells of pancreas.Insulin regulates body cells functions, break down glucose in energy. Insulin Resistance (IR) is the condition where body cells shows resistance against the effect of insulin. As a result pancreas produce more insulin to have its proper effects but failed and blood sugar increase.In the event that the body produces insulin under conditions of insulin resistance, the cells in the body are tolerant to the insulin and are unable to put it to use as effectively, leading to high blood sugar. Beta cells in the pancreatic subsequently increase their development of insulin, further adding to to a top blood insulin level. This often remains undetected and can add to a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes or latent autoimmune diabetes of adultHow Does Insulin work?
The pancreas secretes insulin in the bloodstream. The insulin flows, enabling sugar to get into your cells. Insulin reduces how much sugar in your bloodstream and keep blood sugar normal.Role of Glucose in Type 2 Diabetic Patients
Glucose is a sugar absorbs into blood stream after digestion of food(carbohydrate) and insulin helps that sugar to enter into cells where sugar break down and produce energy for work and to perform normal body function. As a result, sugar level remain normal. our liver stores sugar as glycogen and also make glucose. when we do not eat a while, sugar level goes below and at that time liver break down its stored glycogen into glucose to keep blood sugar level normal.In Type 2 Diabetes these process do not work properly. As a result blood sugar build up and for treating this sugar pancreas produce more insulin but do not treat sugar properly and Finally pancreas do not able to release enough insulin to correct body's demand.
Complications by Type 2 Diabetes
In most of the developed countries like US, UK, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, France , Italy Type 2 Diabetes is the principal cause of cardiovascular disease,kidney failure, Leg amputation, eye diseases, sexual inability and so on. Type 2 Diabetes are the root cause of all health hazards and finally accelerate your death
Cure of Type 2 Diabetes without drugs and pills
At every visit your doctor advise you to take less sugar or carbohydrate and continue an activity like walks, light exercise, lose weight etc. but they do not advise you about the other simple way come to have your Type 2 diabetes in check. If your doctor advise you this way, you can easily check your Type 2 Diabetes and need not to go to your doctor, so doctor and pharma business must be at risk because you are the money for them.Here are some advise you may follow:
Eat a lot more fat
Fat? yes fat but Right Kind Of Fat ,because fat helps our body to absorb insulin. If our body absorb insulin, insulin resistance must be reduced and as a result insulin must be able to open the door of cell so that sugar can enter into cell from blood stream. When sugar enter into cell from blood stream, it broken down into energy and blood sugar become normal.
Make a habit of push ups daily
If you make a habit of Some push ups daily ,your can control your blood sugar level.A balanced and nutritious diet
Balance diabetic diet helps you to control type 2 diabetes. Some Foods make your diabetes worse and you have to know how to cook that food. Some food contains more omega 3 fats which healthy fat that absorbs insulin to keep blood sugar normal. Omega 3 fats are called the best treatment for type 3 diabetes naturally
Sleeping peacefully patterns:
Both short ( <6h) and long (> 9h) sleep stays may be associated with a higher risk of developing Type 2Diabetes. Sleep deprivation may impair the balance of hormones regulating food consumption and energy balance. Very long sleep duration may be a sign of sleep-disordered breathing or depression and really should be cared for appropriately. There's also a close affiliation between obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSA), the most frequent form of sleeping disordered breathing.
Healthy life style and weight loss must help you to prevent type 2 diabetes